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I heard God laugh

Our Catholic parish offered its members this book as a read along in Advent of 2020.  I jumped at the chance to read another of Matthew Kelly's books, and I heard God laugh did not disappoint.  I've read a few of his books, and I found this one to be the best so far.  It is a very practical guide to starting a habit of praying daily and how exactly to do that.

I grew up Catholic, but nobody ever taught me pray properly and I've never had a good habit of daily prayer.   This book makes me believe that I can finally do it, and pray every day! 

I think this book is best read as an extra book - while you're reading some or other fiction as well - and relatively slowly.  I don't this you would get the full benefit if you read it through in 2 days.  I also think it's a great book to read in December or January, when most of us are trying to institute some new habits to coincide with the new year.  I feel like this is especially true following the pandemic year that 2020 was.  

I'm all set to change my life now. 
