In Belle's Discovery we meet a child version of Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. My older daughter actually watched the original animated movie last year, so when I saw this book on Instagram I though it might be a good fit. She loved the idea when we found it at our local library, and blasted through it. I decided to read it with her and her little sister once she was done, so that I could also see what it's like. We learned some good lessons about being yourself and following your own path even if your 'friends' don't approve, in this great story. I would say it's a 2nd/3rd grade reading level, but great as a read aloud for slightly younger kids. There are full color illustrations on probably every 4th page or so, if that's helpful information for your young reader. And it had a wonderful happy ending too. I will be looking to read more of the books in the series. Let me know if you've read any of them, and what they're like.