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The Goldfinch

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt has been on my TBR (to be read) list for a long long time.  I think one of my highschool friends read and recommended it.  I borrowed it from my library ages ago and never got started, but after finishing Love Walked In, I was at a bit of a loss and wanted to read something I already had available, so I started The Goldfinch.  

Now, this is a large book (771 pages according to Amazon), so it's going to take me a while and I'm almost 20% of the way and so far I cam really enjoying this story.  And as a bomus, when I'm done I'll be able to follow it up with the movie, which is newly available on Amazon.  This book won a Pulitzer prize, and I'm not sure I've ever read a Pulitzer prize winning book before - I feel accomplished even though I've got a way to go.

I will report back once I'm done.  Since it's such a long book, I might read a few quick, small books in between.
