Katherine McGee has written American Royals and American Royals II: Majesty in the last couple of years and they are wonderful. If you, like me, are a fan of the British Royal family then I would highly recommend these 2 books. I listened to them both on audiobook version, and they were super fun to listen to.
American Royals follows the story of America's royal family, the Washingtons, who were offered a monarchy after the Americans won the Revolutionary War. And now, two and a half centuries later, the King has an heir and a spare. The states are Earldoms and Dukedoms based on their joining the union, and interesting points like that. And who will be queen one day when the current king dies?
Princess Beatrice is expected to be Queen one day, since succession laws have changed and now her younger brother is not first in line to the thrown. Her younger sister is the spare, and nobody seems to care about Princess Samantha except for how much she seems to be messing up. And Prince Jeffrey is the beloved son of America, but which of two very eligible women will win his heart.
And without giving away too much of the plot, Majesty follows the new Queen's navigation of her coming to power as America's first queen. Will parliament, and the public in general, accept their new queen? And how will her sister and brother fare in their new roles as heir and spare or will they just enjoy all the parties? This book brings us back into Princesses Beatrice and Samantha and Prince Jeffrey's lives and picks up right where the first book leaves off. You will not be able to read only the first book.
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